Random Thoughts of Sadness

When will I stop having sad thoughts? When will my past stop trying to creep into my mind? When will I stop wrestling against my mind and emotions?


Do you ever have random sad thoughts throughout your day or night for no reason? Maybe the thought is a failed relationship from the past, imagining someone you love die, past trauma you moved on from but still trying to stay alive in your present, or maybe a thought driven by anxiety of unrealistic scenarios to bring more pain and worry into your life.

I have realized that many of these thoughts are rooted from the devil in the spiritual realm. The devil wants to hold us captive. He doesn’t want us to live free in Jesus Christ. He wants us to constantly live in fear. Everyday we must fight against the evil one. We must remind ourselves through prayer and the strength of Jesus Christ we are healed from our past. It can be very challenging and exhausting when all you want to do is be happy. You maybe reading this wondering “When will I stop having sad thoughts. When will my past stop trying to creep into my mind. When will I stop wrestling against my mind and emotions?” The answer is that God will give us power to rebuke those negative thoughts that try to stir us from the right direction. The more we draw closer to God the easier it is to fight. We have to depend totally on him and not our own ways or strength. The more you try to fight the devil by yourself the harder it becomes. God makes us strong when we are weak. God fights every single battle that we come against.

The goal of the devil is to kill, steal and destroy. The devil knows that God has great things in store for you, so he is trying to get into your mind in any way. If he cannot go through the front door he will go through the side door, and if he can’t go through the side door he will come through the roof. When you are living for Jesus Christ all those doors are blocked by the Holy Spirit. The devil is a coward and he knows what triggers your mood, but when God is in control of your whole being no trick the devil tries to throw at you can cause you to lose your relationship with God. Next time you have a sad thought put your hand on your head and chest, say “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus rebuke you.” Amen

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