Defeating the Negative Voices Inside Your Head

There is a spiritual battle going on in our minds. The enemy loves to whisper things to create anxiety, depression, pain, worry and heartache. The enemy wants to drain us spiritually and make us doubt the voice of God. Negative voices are powerful and can cause so many harmful things to happen in our life.Continue reading “Defeating the Negative Voices Inside Your Head”

Depression Keeps Coming Back, but I refuse to let it WIN.

There are things that we all struggle with behind closed doors that even our friends and partners aren’t aware of. Some people are good at hiding how they are really feeling because growing up they were taught to hide their pain, smile and to deal with all their problems alone even if it’s killing youContinue reading “Depression Keeps Coming Back, but I refuse to let it WIN.”

Sad Thoughts During the Holidays

There are many emotions that people feel during the holidays. Some people are excited to be around the ones they love, grieving the loss of a family member, or the relationship with their family is non existent because of all the drama in the past that has not been healed. My heart goes out toContinue reading “Sad Thoughts During the Holidays”

Struggling to Be Grateful During the Storms

This morning as I was writing in my journal I began to jot all the things that I am grateful for. I wanted to share them with you all just in case you are going through a lot in your life and it seems like your troubles are outweighing the goodness of life. Looking atContinue reading “Struggling to Be Grateful During the Storms”

Your Words Can Bring Life or Kill A Person’s Spirit

In life we have become so busy doing our own thing. We live in a culture where money is put before everything. The music we listen to preaches about getting money by any means necessary. I remember when I was a youngster 50cent had an album called Get Rich or Die Tryin. So many peopleContinue reading “Your Words Can Bring Life or Kill A Person’s Spirit”

Arguing In the Comment Sections On Social Media Destroys Mental Health

One thing I have learned about life is that it is vitally important to pick and choose your battles. It is not wise nor mentally healthy to make everything into a debate or argument. I can honestly say that many people in life struggle with feeling the need to always voice their opinion. Being onContinue reading “Arguing In the Comment Sections On Social Media Destroys Mental Health”

My Past Is Too Painful & It’s Holding Me Back

What is stopping you? Have you ever had a conversation with God complaining about your situation or where you are in life? Maybe you’ve prayed and said, “If it wasn’t for THIS I would be much further in my life! If only, I didn’t have to deal with this struggle I would be closer toContinue reading “My Past Is Too Painful & It’s Holding Me Back”

10 Spiritually BOLD Daily Affirmations In the Morning

Is life hitting you in all directions? Is it starting to feel as though your bad days are beginning to outweigh the good? In life there are seasons and some seasons are more memorable than others. There are times where everything is going as planned, but then out of nowhere the clouds begin to rollContinue reading “10 Spiritually BOLD Daily Affirmations In the Morning”

Praying Your Struggles Away

Life can be extremely tough at times. We all have things in our life that we are dealing with behind the scenes. We have become good at hiding our problems because we do not want people to look at us differently. The shame and guilt from our struggles the devil tries to hold over ourContinue reading “Praying Your Struggles Away”

Spring Cleaning: Friendships

Last week on Wednesday night I was up until 2AM thinking about the people in my life. I began taking friendship inventory and asking myself critical questions as I was thinking about each individual. The questions that I began asking myself inspired by the Holy Spirit were: Is this person I call my friend thereContinue reading “Spring Cleaning: Friendships”