No Longer Ashamed of My Past, Forgiving Myself & Moving Forward

Dear God, Thank you for helping me forgive myself. I have done a lot of things that I am not proud of. I have made mistakes that no one knows about. Throughout all my mistakes and disappointments you still blessed me. You always came through even when I chose to be disobedient and do myContinue reading “No Longer Ashamed of My Past, Forgiving Myself & Moving Forward”

Trapped In My Messed Up Head

Everyone has a past. There are things we’ve done, and mistakes that we’ve made that we will never forget. Sometimes people that know our past will try to throw those old things in our faces to keep us down. For some trying to stay happy is a struggle. There are moments in a persons lifeContinue reading “Trapped In My Messed Up Head”

Prayer for those Seeking A Soulmate

Dear God, I know that you have someone for me. I have been waiting patiently. During this season I have been working on myself. I have been praying more, working on my self worth, figuring out who I am, healing from the past, growing spiritually and speaking daily affirmations over my life. God give meContinue reading “Prayer for those Seeking A Soulmate”

Struggling to Be Grateful During the Storms

This morning as I was writing in my journal I began to jot all the things that I am grateful for. I wanted to share them with you all just in case you are going through a lot in your life and it seems like your troubles are outweighing the goodness of life. Looking atContinue reading “Struggling to Be Grateful During the Storms”

Arguing In the Comment Sections On Social Media Destroys Mental Health

One thing I have learned about life is that it is vitally important to pick and choose your battles. It is not wise nor mentally healthy to make everything into a debate or argument. I can honestly say that many people in life struggle with feeling the need to always voice their opinion. Being onContinue reading “Arguing In the Comment Sections On Social Media Destroys Mental Health”

My Past Is Too Painful & It’s Holding Me Back

What is stopping you? Have you ever had a conversation with God complaining about your situation or where you are in life? Maybe you’ve prayed and said, “If it wasn’t for THIS I would be much further in my life! If only, I didn’t have to deal with this struggle I would be closer toContinue reading “My Past Is Too Painful & It’s Holding Me Back”

Hurting Yourself Trying to Be Everything to Everyone

Sometimes we find ourselves feeling mentally and physically drained throughout the day. At times we think that we just need a long restful night of sleep, but in reality we need more than sleep. There are decisions that we need to make in our lives that God has been waiting for us to make. WeContinue reading “Hurting Yourself Trying to Be Everything to Everyone”

Spring Cleaning: Friendships

Last week on Wednesday night I was up until 2AM thinking about the people in my life. I began taking friendship inventory and asking myself critical questions as I was thinking about each individual. The questions that I began asking myself inspired by the Holy Spirit were: Is this person I call my friend thereContinue reading “Spring Cleaning: Friendships”

The Chaos On Social Media

We have all experienced days where we think that all we need is some sleep and then we will be fine in the morning. Our days begin to seem longer than usual and it becomes hard to do anything even the things that we love. We get sleep but then we are still exhausted. IContinue reading “The Chaos On Social Media”

Lack of Communication Hurts

Don’t get someone not knowing how to communicate with you mixed up with them not loving you. We have to learn that people are who they are, and everyone is different. It is important to allow people to be themselves, and realize that setting high expectations for a person will ruin a friendship or relationship.Continue reading “Lack of Communication Hurts”