Arguing In the Comment Sections On Social Media Destroys Mental Health

One thing I have learned about life is that it is vitally important to pick and choose your battles. It is not wise nor mentally healthy to make everything into a debate or argument. I can honestly say that many people in life struggle with feeling the need to always voice their opinion. Being onContinue reading “Arguing In the Comment Sections On Social Media Destroys Mental Health”

My Past Is Too Painful & It’s Holding Me Back

What is stopping you? Have you ever had a conversation with God complaining about your situation or where you are in life? Maybe you’ve prayed and said, “If it wasn’t for THIS I would be much further in my life! If only, I didn’t have to deal with this struggle I would be closer toContinue reading “My Past Is Too Painful & It’s Holding Me Back”

10 Spiritually BOLD Daily Affirmations In the Morning

Is life hitting you in all directions? Is it starting to feel as though your bad days are beginning to outweigh the good? In life there are seasons and some seasons are more memorable than others. There are times where everything is going as planned, but then out of nowhere the clouds begin to rollContinue reading “10 Spiritually BOLD Daily Affirmations In the Morning”

Hurting Yourself Trying to Be Everything to Everyone

Sometimes we find ourselves feeling mentally and physically drained throughout the day. At times we think that we just need a long restful night of sleep, but in reality we need more than sleep. There are decisions that we need to make in our lives that God has been waiting for us to make. WeContinue reading “Hurting Yourself Trying to Be Everything to Everyone”

Tired of Everything

Sometimes in life we become tired of everything. We become tired of having to wake up on time for work, tired of answering phone calls and text, tired of striving and going after goals, tired of putting effort into our relationships with people, tired of obligations and deadlines, tired of schedules and upcoming events. WeContinue reading “Tired of Everything”

Valentine’s Day Blues

“Nobody loves me. Something must be wrong with me because I am single once again on Valentines Day.” “I hate myself. I am such a LONER” “Everyone seems so happy but me.” “Why can’t I be in a relationship like everyone else on Valentines Day.” Do not allow this day to make you feel sad.Continue reading “Valentine’s Day Blues”

When God Tells You to Let Go of Something You Love

At some point in our lives we must ask ourselves the critical question “What do I need to let go of?” Some of us need to let go of people, things, places or even habits/traditions that we hold dear to our hearts. In order to get closer to God we have to obey God whenContinue reading “When God Tells You to Let Go of Something You Love”

Too Hurt To Open Up

The older I get the more I begin to realize that God didn’t create us to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. Why do we often put all these responsibilities and burdens on ourselves? We often feel in times of sadness that we cannot cry in front of everyone because we haveContinue reading “Too Hurt To Open Up”